Emerge: Tangy Tropical

September 24th, 2022

“Hey Bob, how are we going to sell more tropical flavoured energy drinks?”

“Just stick the word ‘tangy’ on the beginning of the name, Dave.”

And thus was born ‘Tangy Tropical’.

Nothing more to say really, it’s a 49p can of sugary tropical flavoured energy drink, disappointingly the same as I remember the non-tangy version of Emerge tasting!

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 30mg/100ml Tags:
Calories: 21kCal/100ml
Size: 250ml
Sold By: Nisa
Web Site:

Lucozade Alert Tropical Burst

October 2nd, 2021

I had high hopes for this drink – a new premium brand energy drink for the first time in a while. Sadly though, whilst it was ok to drink, it wasn’t anything special at all. It was basically the same as any other bargain shop can of tropical flavoured energy drink, only at premium prices. Flavour-wise it was strong and artificial, and quite sickly after a while. Like the cherry flavour, this would have benefited from being sold as a smaller 250ml can.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 32mg/100ml Tags:
, ,
Calories: 17kCal/100ml
Size: 500ml
Sold By: Premier Stores UK
Web Site:

NOCCO Tropical

August 29th, 2020

Now here’s the tropical NOCCO – but don’t get this one, get the pineapple one I reviewed last week. This one is a bit sharp and synthetic tasting, quite difficult to get through the whole can really.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 55mg/100ml Tags:
, , , ,
Calories: 4kCal/100ml
Size: 330ml
Sold By: Morrisons
Web Site:

Get More Vits Active – Tropical

May 9th, 2020

It looks healthy, it tastes a bit healthy. It’s part of a range of other ‘Get More Vits’ products, with this one being the caffeinated product. It’s following the current fad for proteining (??) up energy drinks, and I’m not a fan of that… it seems a bit unnecessary to me! Anyway, this is otherwise just a bit of a bland tropical drink but low in calories.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 30mg/100ml Tags:
, ,
Calories: 5kCal/100ml
Size: 330ml
Sold By: Tesco
Web Site: Click here


February 22nd, 2020

I was expecting a bog standard clone drink, but there was a definite tropical flavour to it. Very sweet and with a sickly aftertaste, but not too overpowering.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 32mg/100ml Tags:
Calories: 46kCal/100ml
Size: 250ml
Sold By: Poundstretcher
Web Site:

SIS Go Caffeine Shot Tropical

April 13th, 2019

Slightly different to the taste I was expecting – the usual energy shot flavour is one that’s very bitter with quite a nasty aftertaste, but this one was instead very sharp with a sweet aftertaste. It still made me draw back my lips from my teeth and make a hissing sound, but it was nowhere near bad enough to make me question my motives in trying the shot this time. It’s pretty high in caffeine even for a shot and gave me a boost in pretty much record time… not a drink to be taken lightly!

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 250mg/100ml Tags:
, ,
Calories: 14kCal/100ml
Size: 60ml
Sold By: Sainsbury's
Web Site: Click here

Dark Thunder Tropical Storm

February 23rd, 2019

I have to hand it to Aldi, their Dark Thunder range is going down well with me. This tropical flavour drink is much closer to orange in my opinion, but that’s no bad thing. It’s slightly on the sickly side after a large can has been downed, but it’s still tasty and refreshing over all.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 30mg/100ml Tags:
, , ,
Calories: 3kCal/100ml
Size: 500ml
Sold By: Aldi
Web Site:

Red Bull – The Tropical Edition Sugar Free

June 16th, 2018

Red Bull does it again and manages a smooth and easy to drink energy drink. This time it’s sugar free too, but it’s losing marks for originality because everyone is doing a tropical flavour these days.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 32mg/100ml Tags:
, ,
Calories: 3kCal/100ml
Size: 250ml
Sold By: Poundland
Web Site: Click here

Hell Strong Focus

April 21st, 2018

From the outside of the can it’s not possible, so far as I can tell, to work out what flavour it’s going to be. Well, the blurb is mostly in Greek so that doesn’t help me, but it still doesn’t seem obvious. Well, it turns out it’s tropical flavoured! It’s a subtle and sweet flavour, not too sharp. It also declares that it is 20% more caffeinated than normal drinks which is backed up by the 38.4mg/100ml caffeine content. That’s about 20% more than a regular 32mg/100ml drink. In reality, that’s not enough for me to have noticed any difference (not like some of the crazy strong drinks I tried in the US last year). Overall it’s a nice drink though, and it picked me up as expected!

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 38.4mg/100ml Tags:
Calories: 47kCal/100ml
Size: 250ml
Sold By:
Web Site: