Red Bull

June 30th, 2011

What kind of energy drink review site would be complete without a review of Red Bull itself? Not the original but certainly the most widely known and available product, it is my favourite and most people’s first experience of an energy drink. Based on Asian tonic drinks and created by a clever Austrian, it’s now a worldwide phenomenon. Most people are familiar with the ‘Red Bull Gives You Wings’ cartoon adverts, or will have heard of the Red Bull F1 team. It’s everywhere you look…

It’s a very sweet carbonated drink that grabs you at the back of the throat. Some say it is an acquired taste, which would make most Red Bull clones an even more acquired taste, but I loved it from the first drop. You can get it everywhere pretty much so you’ll never be far from a can if you need one.

Overall Rating:
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Caffeine: 32mg/100ml Tags:
Calories: 45kCal/100ml
Size: 250ml
Sold By: Everywhere!
Web Site: Click here