Hell Strong Focus

April 21st, 2018

From the outside of the can it’s not possible, so far as I can tell, to work out what flavour it’s going to be. Well, the blurb is mostly in Greek so that doesn’t help me, but it still doesn’t seem obvious. Well, it turns out it’s tropical flavoured! It’s a subtle and sweet flavour, not too sharp. It also declares that it is 20% more caffeinated than normal drinks which is backed up by the 38.4mg/100ml caffeine content. That’s about 20% more than a regular 32mg/100ml drink. In reality, that’s not enough for me to have noticed any difference (not like some of the crazy strong drinks I tried in the US last year). Overall it’s a nice drink though, and it picked me up as expected!

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Caffeine: 38.4mg/100ml Tags:
Calories: 47kCal/100ml
Size: 250ml
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